Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Historical Records Index

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Record # Name sort results ascending Year sort results ascending Record Type sort results ascending County sort results ascending Source sort results ascending Number
16654 CAVE, James & Matheny Lucyan 1844 Marriage no county Territorial records
16655 CLARKE, Ransom & Millicin, Lettice Jane 1845 Marriage no county Territorial records
16656 CLYMAN, Lankaster & Manning, Mary 1844 Marriage no county Territorial records
16657 CRISTMAN, Campbell E & McGill, Lucinda 1857 Marriage no county Territorial records
16658 CROW, Marietta & Settle, Josiah 1857 Marriage no county Territorial records
16659 FRAKES, Mary E & Beeson, John 1858 Marriage no county Territorial records
16660 GRAHAM, James A. & Binnie, Susan 1847 Marriage no county Territorial records
16671 GREEVY, Cordelia & Johnson, Arthur H 1856 Marriage no county Territorial records
16672 HARRIS, Rhoda Ann & Bothwell, James 1858 Marriage no county Territorial records
16661 JOHNSON, Arthur H & Greevy, Cordelia 1856 Marriage no county Territorial records
16662 MANNING, Mary & Clyman, Lankaster 1844 Marriage no county Territorial records
16663 MATHENY, Lucyan & Cave, James 1844 Marriage no county Territorial records
16664 MCGILL, Lucinda & Cristman, Campbell E 1857 Marriage no county Territorial records
16665 MILLICIN, Lettice Jane & Clarke, Ransom 1845 Marriage no county Territorial records
16666 OBRINE, Michael & Amy 1856 Marriage no county Territorial records
16667 POMROY, Walter John & Taylor, Jane 1856 Marriage no county Territorial records
16668 SETTLE, Josiah & Crow, Marietta 1857 Marriage no county Territorial records
16669 SMITH, Peter & Smith, Sarah 1855 Marriage no county Territorial records
16670 TAYLOR, Jane & Pomroy, Walter John 1856 Marriage no county Territorial records

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